2008년 4월 26일 토요일

Summary of last class 6

Wednesday - Friday (04.23- 04.25)

"Human-computer interaction"

This week we learn about human-computer interaction.
Key point is people often interact with media technologies as though the technologies were people.Here are many related pints: ethics, aesthetics& teleology,designand here are some questions.
Questions of ethics-Should we treat technologies as people or people as technologies?-Should we only treat others who are like us eith care and respect? or, should we also extend our care and respect to others who are radically different?-What makes believe someone or something is alive, thinking, or simply the same as us?
Questions of aesthetics& teleology-Do objects, technologies and natural phenomena have goals and intentions?-Or, do they just look like they have goals and intentions?DesignIf we view objects, technologies and natural phenomenon as if they do, in fact, have goals and intentions, then we will design like an artificial intelligence researcher.On the other hand, if we view objects, technologies and natural phenomenon as if the just look like they have goals and intentions, then we will design like a tool builder for human "users" or "operators" of our toolsTo tell the truth I'm not thinking about questions. but maby I'm thinking questions and write the answer.
This time was so exciting because saw many video files. I like it!

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